"Tiada kejayaan tiada rintangan,Tiada kegembiraan tiada kesedihan..,Bukan senang nak senang,Bukan susah nak susah..,Tanpa keberanian impian Tidak akan bermakna..., Itulah waktu yang dikurniakan bagi kita setelah diulit perasaan. Waktu menjadi penentu kehidupan ini. Dan waktu juga mengiringi takdir kita"

Isnin, 7 September 2009


Sweet words are easy to say,
Sweet things are easy to buy,
But sweet people are difficult to find.
Life ends when you stop dreaming,
Hope ends when you stop believing,
Love ends when you stop caring,
Friendship ends when you stop sharing.
So share this with whom ever you consider a friend.
To love without condition...
To talk without intention...
To give without reason...
And to care without expectation, is the heart of a true friend...
Forward this to all the people whom You consider as your true friend